
Thursday 26 April 2012

Tompkins: New site identifying marine life launches

Many of the phone calls and emails marine biologist Brenda Bowling receives at her office in the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department's coastal fisheries division's Galveston Bay field station in Dickinson are variations of a standard question. [...] it might be a colorful crab, or an unusual seashell or some other marine creature that, for whatever reason, catches a person's interest and triggers a desire to know its identity. Even the most experienced angler, beachcomber or student of marine life occasionally comes across a creature they either have never encountered or, commonly, realize they never took the time to seriously notice, much less identify or consider where it fits into the ecosystem. Many veteran saltwater anglers regularly misidentify fish that look similar - sand trout and silver trout, spot and croaker, Gulf flounder and southern flounder. [...] some marine fish are so rarely encountered, few anglers have even heard of them, much less can identify them. The interactive guide, which includes photos, physical descriptions and habitat preferences of fish, crabs, shrimp, mollusks, other invertebrates, vertebrates and plants documented living in Texas bays and the Gulf of Mexico off Texas has been a longtime project of Bowling's. The identification guide can be a great aid to anglers and others looking to identify a fish, crab, jellyfish, snail, seashell or other marine creature. Because it's available online, it can be accessed on the water or at the beach via smartphones or other mobile electronic devices that connect to the web.

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