
Monday 26 March 2012

Obama warns N. Korea, Iran their options are few

Ben Rhodes, Obama's deputy national security adviser, said Hu indicated that China was taking North Korea's planned rocket launch seriously and letting its concerns be known to the North's leaders. "China has expressed those concerns before and North Korea has continued on with its behavior," Rhodes said. [...] China needs to look at whether it needs to be doing more above and beyond the types of messages and warnings it's been giving to the North Koreans. In unusually personal terms, Obama said he spoke of his wish for further nuclear reductions as the president of the only nation ever to use nuclear weapons, as a commander whose country's nuclear codes are never far from his side, and as a protective father eager to erase the threat of nuclear annihilation. [...] violations will have consequences, Obama said. Because we refuse to consign ourselves to a future where more and more regimes possess the world's most deadly weapons. Obama also prodded Russia in a new way, saying he would seek discussions with Moscow on an unprecedented front: reducing not only strategic nuclear warheads, but also tactical weapons and warheads in reserve.

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